Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Saturday I went to see DOOM , a movie I have been excited about seeing since I heard it was coming out. If it’s anything like the game, it should prove to be the scariest movie since On Golden Pond. Someone told me not to get my hopes up because “what if it sucks?” How could it suck? The video games have been scaring the crap out of kids and adults for years. Suck!? How dare you!! Well, for the most part…….it sucked…..Except!.... for the final 25 minutes.
I consider myself somewhat of an expert on Horror….what is creepy, what is scary, what makes you jump, what makes you cringe, what makes your heart PUMP, and what makes you SCREAM!!! (Which is the best)….. Not only did it scare you, but it made you vocalize it… DOOM had a few jumps, a few cringes…… EH… But the last 25 minutes, the movie went into 1st person view, (see title picture), like it had promised……. Actually one of the most visually stunning things I have seen in horror in a very long time. If they would have added 30 more minutes of it in the movie…..I would have considered it a Horror movie revolution.
Thanks G!

Monday, October 03, 2005

Silence of the hag

Dear Ms. Sheehan, please go home. We have all heard what you have to say. You’ve made your point. There are hundreds of mothers in our country that have lost a child in this War, but none of them is acting like a raging lunatic. I am quite certain your son wasn’t forced to join the military. It’s not just about earning tuition; it’s about defending our country, which your son courageously did. Remember that when you receive your sons Purple Heart and do us all a favor: pierce it through you top lip, then snap it through the bottom one.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Hi Mom

It’s been a while, so I thought I would send you a note. Something has been bothering me for a while, so I thought I would make peace with it. I wasn’t there when you died, and although it’s the way you wanted it, I just want you to know I sometimes wish I could have been there, just to say a prayer and goodbye. The only way to tell you things is through prayer, as most people do with God. So, since you are in Heaven, I guess when I speak to you, I speak to him as well. Which is good. My prayers to you aren’t often enough. Thanks for watching over me and Ang, we love you very much. I hope both of you enjoy the blog. Chris