Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Nothing....... is bad

What is the most important thing in life? There are many arguable answers…..Religion, Family, Love? These are all very important things and life certainly wouldn’t be the wonderful thing it is without them, but if they all went away tomorrow we would still have to find a way to be happy. In a perfect world we would have them all. But in this world happiness is what is most important to me.
Spend time cherishing your family. Spend time living your religion. Spend time loving the one your with. Whether you have all of these or none, always make time to find happiness, because without family, we are empty. Without religion, we are lost. Without love we are alone. But without happiness we are nothing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautiful. You're turning into quite the writer. But then again, you always have been, you just didn't know it. Not sure I understand the title though...crotchmite.

7:57 PM  

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