Reerry annoying preese.......

A buddy of mine, Anthony, bought me lunch the other day for giving him a pc for his church. I figure it should keep me from an eternity in Hell….It couldn’t hurt... right?
He informed me that Mac, another friend from work and a new intern would be joining us. Anthony and I got there first so we get a table in the non smoking section for 4. They show up and motion us to sit on the other side of the room; I motion back, "we already have a table, so sit your asses down." Mac motions again…… so.. to get lunch over with, we pick up our utensils and drinks and follow them to the other side of the room. I say to Mac, “I had a table for 4 over there" (Mac)………”Well this is the smoking section”. I fire back, “you’re kidding…I’m not sitting in the smoking section.” Then this wonderful intern says: "But I smoke". (Brain now pulsing with rage), "SO! I don't, and neither does Anthony or Mac." She was frozen like I told her that her dog had died. To get lunch over with, I immediately smile with my usual charm and move on like it was a joke. Ugh, whatever i'll eat like a garbage disposal and finish before she lights up. Plate one: (Chinese buffet)…I devoured 5 crab rangoons, some shrimp noodle crap and some sushi. Jumped up to get plate 2 down before Ms. “Jittery without nicotine” lights up. I couldn't even get the first piece of egg roll down and I here “click, click”, and look up to the horror of her sparking a cancer stick. I clearly had a mound of food enough to feed the homeless for a month. I continue eating until the refreshing aroma of DEATH reaches my nostrils. Then immediately push my plate away, wipe my mouth and resist the urge to crack her forehead with the soy sauce bowl. She says "Oh did I ruin your meal"? I said, "No, I was almost finished anyway, and we ARE in the smoking section",(again a mound of fucking food I had barely touched on my plate), so 5 minutes goes by and everyone else finishes she proceeds to light up again. Anthony and I just got up and left. 5 fucking minutes and I would have been done with plate 2....And what i will never understand is all the effort put in to trying to direct nearly weightless smoke in an air-conditioned room by waving your arms like a dumbshit…....Like she is directing traffic on the fucking Audubon. Holding the cig waaay out....To me it looks like she is trying to fly with one arm, because the other arm is somehow stiffened by the cigarette as if rigor mortis has set in….I guess she should get used to it……………..THAT DOES NO GOOD WHEN YOU EXHALE OVER THE MOTHER FUCKING TABLE YOU DIRTY PIECE OF SHIT!!!!!! Smoke if you want, but don’t be a jackass.
Obviously, you know I smoke. And yeah I know it's a gross and unhealthy habit, but I at least like to think that I'm thoughtful about it. I don't expect anyone to cater to my habit. Jesus.
The kind of smokers your talking about really piss me off. If I go out to eat with non-smoking friends, I always ask to be seated in non-smoking, simply out of courtesy. But this bitch chose smoking because only *she* smoked, and then light up before everyone was done eating...unfucking believable!
Next time you go out to eat with that chick, bring a toilet brush and a fly swatter, and keep scrubbing the table with the toilet brush and swatting at imaginary flies all around her plate. If that doesn't offend her, pull out a rusty razor blade and behead her with it.
i was thinking about this... We can go to White Castles for lunch. Let it build for a few hours, then drop a load on her video card. the next day as she works on her big dual screens the card will heat up and release toxic ass fumes. It would take her days to find source. HA
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