Monday, August 08, 2005

dark,warm puddles...

Recently, a brown substance later identified as…
Doe whiz…
Buck juice....
DEER URINE!!!! was found in a state supervisor’s office, covering the desk, chairs and half of the floor. (On radio), the last thing the reporter said was, "Investigators are trying to determine whether this was an accident, or a prank."
Hmmmm, an accident? BUUZZZZZ!!!!! as in WWRROONGG!!
I WILL figure out the most logical explanation of how this could have possibly been an accident. Any ideas of your own? GO!


Blogger karla said...

Alright Mr. S. Fart, here's the interview you requested on my blog.

1. You cut off your right earlobe and mailed it to Pamela Anderson with a tiny love poem painstakingly written on it. She was so charmed that she had to meet you, and the two of you fell in love. Now, not only are doing Pam Anderson on a daily basis, but you're also flying all over the world for expensive vacations, living in a couple different mansions, and hanging with Hollywood stars. There's one tiny problem--now that you've been living the fantasy for 2 months, Pam has decided she can only love you if you wear ladies clothing and a dog collar and leash everywhere you go. The attire doesn't have to be big hoop skirts or satin evening gowns (because that would just be silly), but things like tube tops, bikini tops, mini skirts and capri pants with dainty but low-heeled. Do you stay with her and conform to her wishes, or go back to your old life? (Oh and by the way, that whole hepatitis C thing was cured long ago.)

2. What's the most embarassing thing you've ever done? (I never get tired of this question.)

3. Your darling sister Angela has become such an internet celebrity with her blog, that she's let it all go to her head. She has now legally changed her name to Noodle Burgoo, and insists that you call her either Noodle, or Miss Burgoo. You love your sister and want her to be happy--do you indulge her and call her Noodle? Or tell her she's an idiot and refuse to go along with this ridiculous idea? Your friends think this is hilarious, and have started calling you names like Penne and Rotini.

4. If you could choose to do any job in the world, and money were not an object, what would it be?

5. Would you rather lose the use of your left leg forever, or live the rest of your life with the name Marilyn Prissypants?

There you go! Please include a link to my site when you post the answers on your blog, and don't forget to include the rules below. Thanks!

Want to play?
The Official Interview Game Rules:
1. If you want to participate, leave a comment below asking to be interviewed.
2. I will respond by asking you five questions - each person's will be different.
3. You will update your journal/blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

8:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my god. You are going to have a field day. I am already laughing!! Being led around by Pam Anderson while wearing capris?? Marilyn Prissypants!! HAHAH!!!

9:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:39 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

I will have to agree with miss burgoo, on this... But, Can I have a minute? Is there a time limit? Does it have to be 100 words or less? Can Ali play chess? Can I swear? Is there a point system? If I answer incorrectly, will I be abducted by space apes that squat hump me to a fine paste? Um, can I have a minute? Answers to come…….oh, Very nice questions ;-} Chris

11:22 PM  
Blogger karla said...

Crap. When you post my questions on your blog, please correct my retarded error in question #1, where it should say "dainty but low-heeeled sandals." Left out the word sandals. Gotta stop drinking while blogging.

12:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That deer urine was surely a sign that *I* am needed!!!!!

9:19 AM  

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