Lottery Hell......
I stopped at Quickie Mart today, 6th in line with 2 cashiers. One playing with garbage, the other counting LOTTERY TICKETS! I am absolutely cursed with this… If I am not first in line, whoever is in front of me, usually EVERYONE in front of me has a fist full of these damn things that have to be penciled in, “No mam, they need to be hexagons not circles.”…..scanned, (but NOT through the credit card reader), rescanned, punched, coded, processed, then finally printed. By the time Goober Dipshit has printed 4 tickets…….Mr. Lotto asshole has already violated 20 scratch-offs like a raving lunatic and is waiting to cash in the winners… transaction # 3!!!!!!!! If we were cartoons, I would have crushed his brainpan with an Acme anvil. Somewhere, one of my X girlfriends has a little voodoo doll of me standing 13th in line in a little quickie mart diorama, with a little voodoo bastard 1ST in line with 18 fucking lottery tickets glued to his little voodoo bastard hand! Who ever you are! Please for the love of GOD…. Shove a needle in my eye……saw off my limbs…..SET ME ON FIRE! But please for the love of God, end this lottery hell!
You need to relax. Why don't you light a cigarette? Smoking is good for you. It's our friend....
Stan, let it go. Take a deep breath....uh, well, gargle a very short breath, and know that you CAN overcome this oral fixation. We all have faith in you.
HA! Now that is funny........"Krogers"... good one.
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